How can it be a year already? She was a surprise, our dainty girl. A huge, wonderful surprise. Harriette Sylvia Belle, carries the namesake of my dear grandmother Sylvia. She was a gentle, loving woman whose calm gaze could melt even the hardest of hearts. She was an artist, a nature-lover and an angel. She would have loved my children. Harriette has been a joy and a delight since the day she was born. Her wide smile and deep blue eyes actually remind me of my grandma more than I would ever have expected and she has certainly melted more than one heart since her arrival.
We decided to celebrate at Quinn Farm because Harriette loves to be outside, and because her birthday lands right at the beginning of strawberry season. A visit to the farm with family is about as precious and simple as you can hope for. These are the memories I have of valuable time spent with my dear grandparents. They would take us to picnic, or to see flowers or animals. My mother used to whisper in my ear: "we're making a memory" and I remember looking around and taking note of those moments. When I plan a special day for my little ones, I keep in mind those days I remember so well. Quinn Farm happens to suit my needs very nicely for these memory-making events:
They are nearby, so we can return every year.
They are truly family friendly and we feel welcome and at home there.
Spending time in nature and teaching our little ones about the value of the environment and the delicate balance of agriculture is incredibly important to us.
They layout is simple and engaging and the most important part is being together.
We really like to eat. I love a party that focuses on food or activities instead of "stuff".
There is a birthday room available at the farm, but there was already two parties booked for that day so we opted for a picnic outside. The kids stuffed their faces with berries, enjoyed the tractor ride, ran around the fields, visited the animals, stuffed themselves again with cake and then went home for a long nap. It was a perfect day. Our funny girl loved being the center of so much attention and silliness. She waved and smiled and ate more berries than I ever imagined. Harry wont remember it, but my job is to turn these great days into memories through my pictures. She'll have a record of these sweet celebrations, and soon she'll be old enough for me to whisper in her ear: "we're making a memory" xo
Happy Birthday Harriette!